Share your ideas
Innovative blog styles and stunning portfolios.
Statistic of your sociability
No coding or design skills to get professional results.
Connect with other people
We’ve become renowned for quality and reliability.
The new theme on the block
Impeka is a creative and multipurpose WP theme that gives you unparalleled versatility.

Effortless and intuitive for beginners, and full of potential for more advanced users, Impeka gives you complete freedom to dream up your ideal website and then make it happen, fast.
handcrafted elements
Out of love for stylish and functional WP themes and for taking pride to support you.
Our Customers Say
in Touch
Another clean and modern style for your contact forms in Impeka premium theme.
Phone: +399 543 222 123
E-mail: info@crocal.com
Address: 709 Honey Creek Dr., New York
Video Popup
Simply choose from our pre-made designs, get inspired, and mould them to your needs with more than 50 handcrafted elements.
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